World Environment Day
Today Friday 5th June 2020 is World Environment Day.

Today Friday 5th June 2020 is World Environment Day. Just like many other initiatives that are arising around the world, this reminded us that more and more people are aware of the changes that are happening around us and that have a greater impact on the environment, ecosystems or wildlife, and that in turn can impact our own livelihoods. The COVID-19 pandemic and its disastrous consequences, is the most striking and recent example of this.
World leaders might wake up from this crisis with a desire to strengthen their climate and environment policies, pushed by their citizens that are more and more concerned. But in addition to taking an active (or passive) role in pushing things to happen politically, what more can you do on a personal level?
At Newable, we asked ourselves this question. We came to the conclusion that not only do we have our share of responsibility but also a desire and a duty to do our best to minimise our carbon footprint as a company, and in turn contribute to the global effort in the fight against climate change.
To this end, Newable has established a dedicated Environment Committee that will be the driving force behind this effort, as part of the Newable’s Environment, Social and Governance strategy. What does this mean and what have we achieved so far?
- The Newable HQ office at Aldersgate has received level 3 Green Mark certification
We are delighted that the Newable HQ office at Aldersgate has received Green Mark Level 3 accreditation! Green Mark provides an internationally recognised environmental certification for companies that want to assure their clients and employees that they are conducting business to recognised environmental standards.
- The Newable Environment Policy
We are developing an Environment Policy that sets the objectives we aim to achieve when it comes to our company’s impact on the environment. These ambitious objectives will be company-wide and will be reviewed every six months in light of what has been achieved.
- What’s the plan moving forward?
Through this process, Green Mark has helped us create a framework to make sure we have the correct tools to monitor and reduce our emissions going forward, as well as communicating internally and externally how we are doing this. Rest assured that our mission to help British businesses thrive though advisory, finance and office solutions and services remain unchanged and we will carry on doing so with the same passion. We are excited that we will be able to share our environmental agenda with our clients and look forward to keeping you updated on the actions we are taking to operate more sustainably.